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Fully Licensed and Insured  
Quality First!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond - Since 1993


Fully Licensed and Insured  | Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
831-920-1149 | 831-899-5051
Fully Licensed and Insured!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
Call Gabriel Ramirez Call Cleto H. Ramirez

Choose From Many Paver Options

Exquisite Paver Options for Any Outdoor Spaces

GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping is also the perfect team to assist you with stone pavers and other natural stone surfaces on your property. We can create patios, paths and walkways, walls, outdoor fireplaces and more so you can get the exact look that you envision for your outdoor areas. We also work with most reputable brands for quality stone products, including Calstone, Basalite, Pacific Interlock, Belgard and others.

Complete Landscaping Maintenance and Design

GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping can also help you design and install a new irrigation or drainage system, handle any necessary lawn maintenance. We also offer hardscaping opportunities.

Contact our team for any assistance that you need and put our professionalism and industry experience to work for you!
Call us today at 831-920-1149
I would like landscaping services, but my lawn really needs work. Where do I begin?

One of the first steps that landscapers consider when landscaping a yard is your trees. A common problem that most property owners face are branches that eventually fall and damage their home or other structures. After cleaning out all of the large, dead branches from your trees, you may find that the additional sunlight immediately adds to the new appearance of your yard, as well as promoting what is likely one of the most significant investments that many people make.
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