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GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping- Logo
Fully Licensed and Insured  
Quality First!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond - Since 1993


Fully Licensed and Insured  | Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
831-920-1149 | 831-899-5051
Fully Licensed and Insured!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
Call Gabriel Ramirez Call Cleto H. Ramirez

Exceptional Hardscaping Opportunities

New Hardscaping Creations of All Types

Rely on our expert team at GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping for all of your professional hardscaping needs. From concrete to stone pavers, we can help you add
that perfect new touch to your property.

Wide Range of Available Services

GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping also specializes in irrigation and drainage system design and installation, lawn maintenance and pavers.

Contact us today for any assistance that you require.
We Provide
Why should I consider landscaping services for my property, yard or garden?

Landscaping activity has been shown to immediately boost the overall value of your property. When you decide to sell your property, a beautiful landscape can literally add thousands of dollars to the selling price. In addition to adding monetary value to your property, beautiful landscaping can make living and working more enjoyable, and promote a positive image of you for your friends, neighbors or clients.
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