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GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping- Logo
Fully Licensed and Insured  
Quality First!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond - Since 1993


Fully Licensed and Insured  | Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
831-920-1149 | 831-899-5051
Fully Licensed and Insured!
Serving Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz and Beyond
Call Gabriel Ramirez Call Cleto H. Ramirez

Expert Lawn Maintenance Services

Routine Maintenance Keeps Your Lawn Looking Great

GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping provides weekly and monthly lawn and property maintenance services, including assistance with all of your pest control needs. Our pest control license is DPR license #140446. We can handle any common yard pests that could hinder the health and overall appearance of your property.

Services We Provide

  • Pest control 
  • Lawn maintenance
  • Garden maintenance

Get The Landscaping Help That You Need Today

GH Ramirez & Brothers Landscaping can also assist you with any necessary irrigation and drainage system design and installation and paver and hardscaping options.

Contact us today and get the reliable, timely service that you and your property deserve.
Call us today at 831-920-1149
Why should I consider professional landscaping services?

Some projects can be completed at home in only a few short hours, but the preference to hire professional usually comes down to personal taste or the size of the project. You can save money by doing smaller landscaping projects; however, if you feel like you do not have the time, patience or creativity to handle more advanced landscaping, a professional may be the right choice.
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